Blepharitis is the inflammation of the eyelids, which impacts the narrow region where your eye lashes grow. The main reason behind the development of Belpharitis is due to the clogging of  oil glands near the base of the lashes.

Although it causes distress, it doesn’t generally affect the sharpness or intensity of your vision. In this informative article, your eye care specialists what you want to know more about the condition.

Causes of Blepharitis and Symptoms

Blepharitis could be associated with any of the following:

  • A bacterial infection

  • Forehead and scalp dandruff

  • Clogged eyelid oil glands

  • Rosacea allergies, or

  • Eyelash mites.

Some common symptoms of this eye illness include:

  • Watery eyes gritty or burning sensation in the eyes

  • Oily eyelids

  • Skin discoloration around your eyes

  • Crusted frequent blinking lashes

  • Eyelash fallout

  • Mild sensitivity, and

  • Misdirected lashes.

If you’re experiencing a mix of these symptoms that aren’t improving despite maintaining your eyelids clean, it’s best to drop by your eye doctor for an eye examination.

Complications and Treatment

There is no exact cure available for blepharitis, however, maintaining your eyes using hot compresses may alleviate the symptoms. If these measures don’t help, your physician may prescribe drugs or eye drops to fight inflammation or infection, treatments targeting the immune system or treatments for almost any present illness such as seborrheic dermatitis or rosacea.

However, treatment of blepharitis depends upon its type. The real key to handling most types of blepharitis is keeping the lids clean and free from crusts.

Limiting or stopping using eye makeup after treating blepharitis is usually advocated because its use will make lid hygiene more difficult. Applying warm compresses can loosen the crusts. Gently wash the eyelids using a combination of water and baby shampoo or an over-the-counter product that is lid-cleansing.

In instances involving fungal disease, an antibiotic may be prescribed.

People with blepharitis may find the following helpful:

  • If the glands in the eyelids are obstructed, massage the eyelids to clean out oil accumulated in the eyelid glands.

  • Utilize artificial tear solutions or lubricating lotions, if prescribed.

  • Utilize non-metallic shampoo to the scalp.

  • Temporarily stop wearing contact lenses during therapy.

Tips to Maintain Healthy Eyelids

Eyelid hygiene is quite helpful to control and treat blepharitis, but only if performed properly.

To start, use a clean, warm compress to melt some blocked residue in the oil-secreting meibomian glands on your eyelids. Here is how:

  • Wash your hands, then take a clean washcloth dipped in warm (almost hot) water.

  • Place the washcloth over your closed eyelids for few minutes.

  • Then gently rub on your eyelid margin with the washcloth before opening your eyes. (Don’t press hard)

Always practice your eye physician’s recommendations concerning how often to use a warm compress and how long to keep it in position. You might be instructed to try this a few times each day when you begin doing this, it may depend upon the severity of the blepharitis.

Read More: What Are The Healthy Food Items For Healthy Eyes

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