The connection between overall health and eye health is not even addressed during mainstream eye exams.
Most doctors who treat eye disease and prescribe glasses are well meaning. However, their training is overwhelmingly biased toward the standard treatment of prescription glasses and surgery. They have no background in nutrition and non-conventional approaches to treating problems with the eyes. Most optometrist and ophthalmologists treat the eyes as isolated parts of the body. The connection between overall health and eye health is not even addressed during mainstream eye exams.
That is why the book, Ten Essentials to Save Your Vision, is so very valuable. I don't believe there is a better book in which to find so much information that is current and thorough on the subject of alternative treatments for the eyes.
The wonderful benefit of the book is its extensive coverage on nutrition, vitamins, drinking water, toxicities in our environment, exercise, etc. Not only will our eyes improve when we apply the information to our daily lives, but our overall health will reap big rewards. We may be able to prevent other health problems because of the valuable information in the book.
Most people, if given the chance, want to take control of their own health. Dr. Kondrot has done the research for us and we now have choices to make.
This book needs to be in the hands of all doctors treating eye diseases. We need these treatment options available in our local communities.
Unfortunately, it is hard to find practitioners able to perform some of the treatments recommended. There is a cost involved to some of the therapies. If more doctors were trained in using the treatments, the cost might be lower.
The Bates method and other therapies described in the book are not widely accepted in the medical community. We need more controlled studies so that the institutions training our doctors will recognize the benefits.
Your overall state of health has a lot to do with the state of your vision.
There is an admonition that goes like this: "Put your eyes back in your head!" That is exactly what Dr. Edward Kondrot, a holistic ophthalmologist, does in his ground breaking Ten Essentials to Save Your Vision. He not only puts the eyes in the head, he puts the head on the body. He maintains that our overall state of health has a lot to do with the state of our vision. He insists that without the minimum groundwork of good nutrition, a balanced nervous system, and proper hydration, no treatment for eye disease, whether conventional or alternative, will be effective. Ten Essentials offers a way to step up a personal health program for anyone. The beginner can start to improve eyesight by switching to organic food and proper supplements. The more sophisticated health reader can investigate the power of oxygen therapies and detoxification.
Dr. Kondrot is dedicated to self-empowerment as well as rekindling hope in even the most advanced cases of vision loss. If African Dance can replace eye drops for glaucoma and palming (using the hands over the closed eyes) can reverse visual loss, I say go for it. No insurance, surgery, or drugs required. In fact, no doctors are needed but if you do want guidance on your vision-healing journey, Ten Essentials tells you how to find eye professionals who are trained in these alternative methods.
Book Reviews
Ten Essentials is a template for complete health maintenance, health restoration, and the prevention of disease in any part of the body. You will learn about methods that have been used for decades but have been spurned by established medicine: approaches your doctor will never mention. At the same time, you know that these techniques have been thoroughly researched and are being used with great success by a medical doctor who used conventional methods for many years before designing his own innovative program for his patients. As he says on his weekly radio show, Dr. Kondrot's mission is, "To help you overcome your vision loss." Ten Essentials, along with his previous two books on natural eye care methods, lays it all out in a user-friendly, non jargon way.
Gloria St. JohnDr. Kondrot has written a comprehensive book that everyone should read to better understand how to protect his or her vision. As an optometrist who has practiced for over 30 years, I have used light therapy, nutrition, Qigong, vision therapy and microcurrent stimulation; all of these work to improve vision and function. The eyes cannot be isolated from the rest of the body and must be considered a part of the whole person. Take Dr. Kondrot's teachings to heart and you will find you can maintain good vision throughout your life. Don't wait until you have a vision problem. If you have a vision problem already, get this book and follow the advice. It is a must read.
Charles M Steinberg, OD, NQAGesell Institute Of Child Development
Thank you for giving me your wisdom and experience, tempered by your critical thinking, in this book. You have put this wealth of information and resource material into a logical, responsible and highly useful format. I am looking forward to the cookbook and am happy to know you love to fiddle in the kitchen, as well as with your violin. It was my pleasure to attend a Mark O'Conner's performance in Austin. Thank you, again.
Vance WrightIf you have eye problems, please don't surrender yourself to allowing "normal disease progression" while your eye doctor watches. The suggestions in this book are clear, straightforward, logical, and, in my experience, effective. I can assure you that even if your health challenges are not in your eyes, the suggestions in this book will go very far to assisting your body to heal. Remember, whatever helps any cell in your body to recover will be of assistance to every other cell since your body is an integrated whole.
I could go on and on about different healing modalities, but it's better now that you hear it from Dr Kondrot. Enjoy your journey back to health!
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To Your Health and Clear Vision!
Dr. Kondrot