Color Puncture

How can colored light applied to the skin help treat eye problems? We are familiar with the Chinese system of medicine called acupuncture. The Chinese have observed that energy or chi travels through the body in specific meridians. These meridians are located near the surface of the skin and are named after organ structures. Two meridians associated with eye disease are the liver-gallbladder and kidney-bladder meridian. There is a saying in Chinese medicine that the “Eye is the flower of the liver.” This means that whatever happens energetically in the liver will affect the eye. This does not mean that if you have an eye problem you have a corresponding liver aliment. We are talking about energy- interestingly in the Chinese system of medicine each organ also has an associated emotion. The liver is related to anger and the kidney fear. Disease is caused by blockage or excess energy flow in these meridians and to change the energy flow fine needles are inserted into these meridians to change the energy flow.

In the 1970’s the German acupuncturist Dr. Peter Mandel noted that using colored light on acupuncture points or meridians would achieve better results than using convention needles. After years of research Dr. Mandel developed a diagnostic and treatment program based on the use of colored lights called color puncture. I became interested in color puncture in 1991 and have become a certified Colorpuncture therapist along with personally studying with Dr. Mandel in Europe and India.

In order to understand how color puncture works you need to understand that color can either have a warming or energizing effect or it can have a cooling or de-energizing effect. Colors toward the red spectrum have a warming or energizing effect and those towards the blue spectrum have a cooling or de-energizing effect. Disease states are caused by energy blockages or an accumulation of excessive energy. Using colored light on the acupuncture meridians and points we are able to regulate the energy flow and treat disease.

There are 3 types of energy patterns in the Colorpuncture model, endocrine, toxic and degenerative. Endocrine is the pre-disease state. The patient has symptoms but there is no visible pathology. The second type of disturbance in the energy pattern is the toxic state. This is when tissue changes develop such as inflammation, congestion and blockages of energy flow in the body. The third type is the degenerative where the body begins to show destructive tissue changes. Scar tissue in the macula would be an example of this type. The value of this classification is that specific therapies can be developed to heal the disease energy pattern.

The Kirlian photograph is a valuable tool that is used with colorpuncture. It helps to determine the overall energy flow of the body and locations of energy blockage which are manifested in the disease state. Dr. Mandel has categorized types of energy patterns on the Kirlian into endocrine, toxic and degenerative. Endocrine is the pre-disease state. The patient has symptoms but there is no discernable pathology. The Kirlian can be extremely valuable in locating the area of blockage. The second type of disturbance in the energy pattern is the toxic state. This is when there tissue changes develop such as inflammation, congestion and blockages of energy flow in the body. The third type is the degenerative type where the body begins to show destructive tissue changes. For more information on Kirlian.

An important use of Colorpuncture is to remove blockages that are preventing the person to heal. Often these blocks are related to emotional issues such as the grief associated with the loss of a loved one, or trauma such as a car accident which has caused a physical block that is preventing healing. The last category is conflicts that exist, such as issues that exist with a family member. In all these cases Colorpuncture can help to break the blockage and begin the healing process.

I find color puncture especially useful in patients that are not responding to therapies. Often after a few Colorpuncture treatments therapies like microcurrent begin to work much better.

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