Reverse Macular Degeneration? There’s Hope.

This is an article that was published in WebRN- Macular Degneration about my work in treating Macular Degeneration… I hope you enjoy this article!
Dr. Kondrot

Reverse Macular Degeneration? There’s Hope.
Leslie Degner, RN, BSN
Better Health for Better Vision

When my father-in-law was diagnosed with wet macular degeneration, the eye doctor looked at my mother-in-law and slowly shook his head, gave the diagnosis and sent them home – without any information on how to treat this retinal disease, without any help on how to live with it and sadly, without any hope. Many of you or your loved ones have probably shared the same experience.

Ophthalmologist and Homeopathic Doctor, Dr. Edward Kondrot is an ophthalmologist who was one of those physicians. He saw many patients with macular degeneration, but was unable to provide treatment options that could help improve their vision. There are many different reasons that led him to pursue homeopathy and complementary treatments, but the one incident that caught is attention was the story of the famous golfer, Sam Snead. After quitting the senior tour due to the affects of macular degeneration, he experienced a dramatic improvement in his vision thanks to microcurrent stimulation.

Microcurrent Stimulation for Macular Degeneration. This very simple therapy uses electricity to heal and has been used in orthopaedics and sports medicine to help with healing broken bones and soft tissue wounds. In his book, Microcurrent Stimulation: Miracle Eye Cure, Dr. Kondrot provides a thorough explanation of this therapy along with compelling stories and valid research. He also shares some insight into this macular degeneration treatment for readers in a recent e-interview.Find out more about how this therapy works, who benefits from it, and Dr. Kondrot’s recommendations for treatment protocols:

E-Interview with Dr. Edward Kondrot

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Reverse Macular Degeneration? There's Hope.Leslie Degner, RN, BSN
Better Health for Better Vision
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